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RenalGuard at EuroPCR 2019

EuroPCR 2019 proved as informative as ever with Robin Luper delighted to share the benefits of the RenalGuard System™ with new contacts as well as catching up with colleagues.

For more information on RenalGuard, please contact Robin Luper on +44 ()1234-888955 or by email via


About RenalGuard Therapy®
RenalGuard measures a patient’s urine output and automatically infuses hydration fluid based on that urine output. The system is designed to induce high urine rates, which have been shown to protect the kidney from a range of insults.

A number of studies have demonstrated RenalGuard’s ability to protect patients from AKI following catheterization procedures when compared to the standard of care, including: MYTHOS, which found RenalGuard to be superior to overnight hydration; REMEDIAL II, which found RenalGuard to be superior to sodium bicarbonate hydration; Protect-TAVI, which reported a significant reduction in post-procedural acute kidney injury (AKI) following transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) when using RenalGuard during the procedure, compared to standard therapy; and AKIGUARD, which showed significant improvement in long-term outcomes when using RenalGuard vs. standard therapy. Two meta-analyses of these results (Putzuand Mattathil) found RenalGuard consistently reduced kidney injury, dialysis, adverse events and mortality compared to standard therapy.



Further information

RenalGuard Solutions, Inc

JS Group